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- Livestock Registry | CCCDC 2023
Livestock Registry First Name* Last Name* Address* Primary Phone* Secondary Phone Email* Animal Type Animal Type Animal Type Livestock Description Submit
- Resources | CCCDC 2023
Additional Resources The Campbell County Consolidated Dispatch Center introduced Smart911 to improve our 911 services to residents. It is a free service that allows participants across the US to create a Safety Profile for their household that includes any information they want 911 to have in the event of an emergency. Then, when anyone in that household dials 911 from a phone associated with their Safety Profile, their profile is immediately displayed to the 911 call taker, providing additional information that can be used to facilitate the proper response to the proper location. At a time when every second counts, being able to provide 911 with details that could impact response the second an emergency call is placed could be the difference between life and death. Smart911 Registering emergency contact information with Emergency Notice allows law enforcement to reach a loved one in the event you are involved in a traffic accident or other critical emergency when every second counts. This service is available to anyone with a valid Kentucky driver's license, permit or state ID and will be used only by law enforcement officials throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Get Started Livestock Registry Learning that your livestock has escaped can be a nightmare. Why not let us help you alleviate some of that stress? Completing this livestock allows dispatch and first responders to directly contact you in the event that your animals get loose. This not only expedites animal reunification but can help to prevent accidents involving lost animals. Please include as much detail as possible (species, animal color, ear tags, etc.). Register
- Home | CCCDC 2023
Campbell County Consolidated Dispatch Center Connecting our Community NOW HIRING This is a great opportunity for the right individuals! Successful candidates must complete suitability index testing, criminal background check, polygraph and drug testing. High school diploma/GED required. Apply Now IS YOUR HOME VISIBLE WHEN EVERY SECOND COUNTS? Learn More Excellence in Telecommunication The Campbell County Consolidated Dispatch Center is dedicated to serving our community. Our vision is a public made safer by 911 services delivered by highly trained emergency communications professionals and powered by the latest technologies.
- Address Visibility | CCCDC 2023
Minutes Can Matter! Address Visibility First responders can't help you if they can't find you. Your safety in an emergency depends on responders' ability to find you quickly. Saving lives and property can come down to a matter of seconds. Emergency vehicles need to be able to see your address, day or night. High Visibility House numbers should be visible from the street. Numbers should be at least 4 inches tall. Be certain to make your number visible from both directions on mailboxes or sign posts. Trim any greenery or shrubs. When possible, choose reflective number or illuminate your house numbers. Contrasting numbers and backgrounds help responders. When in doubt, ask a first responder if they think that they could find your home. Low Visibility Do not use script writing. Numerals are preferable. Do not allow dirt, debris, snow or foliage to obscure your sign or curbside house numbers. Do not fix the sign to a gate, as it may be open and the sign unable to be seen when you need 911. Do not paint over your sign. Do not place decorations that will cover your number or obscure it in any manner.
- Apply Now | CCCDC 2023
Application For Employment Campbell County Consolidated Dispatch Center Thank you for your interest in employment with the Campbell County Consolidated Dispatch Center! Please complete the employment application below to begin your emergency dispatching journey. If you have any questions about the application or the information requested, please inquire with the Dispatch Director prior to submission. This application is the first step in our hiring process. Other aspects may include an employment assessment, oral interview, and a thorough background check, including a drug screen. If you need an accommodation in order to complete any part of the hiring process, please contact the Dispatch Director at (859) 581-3622. Employment Application Completed applications can be emailed to the Dispatch Director or hand delivered/mailed to 998 Monmouth Street, Newport, KY 41071. THE CAMPBELL COUNTY CONSOLIDATED DISPATCH CENTER IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, SEX, COLOR, AGE, RELIGION, NATIONAL ORIGIN, DISABILITY OR VETERAN STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AND BENEFITS.
- Open Records | CCCDC 2023
Pursuant to KRS 61.870 through 61.884, the public is notified that, as provided herein, the Public Records of the Campbell County Consolidated Dispatch Center, in Campbell County, Commonwealth of Kentucky, are open for inspection by any person upon written application to Kimberly Dornheggen, Executive Director, or designated Official Custodian of the Public Records of the Campbell County Consolidated Dispatch Center. Requests may be made by email or in person at 998 Monmouth St, Newport, KY 41071, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Only residents of the Commonwealth of Kentucky as defined in KRS 61.870(10) may request public records. Applicants for the inspection of public records shall be advised of the availability of the records requested for inspection and shall be notified in writing not later than five (5) working days after receipt of an application for inspection of any reason the requested records are not available for inspection. Copies of printed records shall be furnished to any person requesting them upon payment of a fee of ten cents ($.10) per page; copies of non-written records (audio, photographs, maps, material stored in computer files or libraries, etc.) shall be furnished on request, on payment of a charge equal to the actual cost of producing copies of such records by the most economic process not likely to damage or alter the record. Open Records Request Start Now Click here to email your completed request to Lori Mathews
- Agencies | CCCDC 2023
Law Enforcement Alexandria Police Department Bellevue Police Department Campbell County Police Department Campbell County Sheriff's Office Cold Spring Police Department Dayton Police Department Ft. Thomas Police Department Highland Heights Police Department Newport Police Department Southgate Police Department Wilder Police Department Fire/EMS Service Campbell Fire/Rescue Central Campbell Fire District Fire District 1 Fire Department Bellevue/Dayton Ft. Thomas Fire Department Melbourne Fire Department Newport Fire Department Southgate Fire Department Wilder Fire Department Additional Services Office of Emergency Management Campbell County Animal Shelter Campbell County Circuit Court Campbell County Detention Center Campbell County Fiscal Court
- Contact | CCCDC 2023
Contact Us 998 Monmouth St. Newport, KY 41071 (859) 581-3622 Name Email Phone Address Subject Submit Thank you!
- Dispatches | CCCDC 2023
Dispatches The Latest News Fire Station Week-in-Review January 12, 2025 Read More Top 5 Ways to Protect Your Home from Fire January 12, 2025 Read More
- FAQs | CCCDC 2023
911 Dispatch FAQs Answers To Your Questions How can I teach my children about 911? Teaching children when to call 911 is just as important as teaching them how to dial 911. A variety of resources are available to help parents and educators train children when and how to call 911. For more information, please visit 911 for Kids . Parents should also be aware that wireless phones without a current calling plan through a wireless provider are still capable of connecting a 911 call to a local call center. Children should be told not to call 911 from old phones and it is recommended that the battery is removed before you give an old phone to a child. Can I text 911? Yes! Campbell County Consolidated Dispatch Center does have the technology to receive text messages. If you need help and are unable to safely speak on the phone or are unable to speak at all, send a text message to 911. Call if you can, text if you can't! What should I do if I accidentally dial 911? You may have called 911 by accident, or your situation may have resolved itself, but it is important to let the 911 operator know this. If you end the call abruptly, the folks at the 911 center are going to assume that something has gone very wrong and will either call you back or send help anyway. This will take away from the 911 center’s ability to take calls and dispatch services to on-going emergencies, so make sure the 911 call taker tells you it is ok to disconnect before you hang up. And keep in mind that the call taker can dispatch responders to your location without disconnecting from the call, so, until you are instructed to do otherwise, make sure to hold the line so that you can provide any necessary information or assistance to the 911 operator. What about prank calls? It's a prank call when someone calls 911 for a joke, or calls 911 and hangs up. This is not the same as accidentally dialing 911. Prank calls not only waste time and money, but can also be dangerous. If 911 lines or call takers are busy with prank calls, someone with a real emergency may not be able to get the help they need. In Kentucky, it's against the law to make prank 911 calls. What if I can't speak English? When necessary, a 911 call taker can add an interpreter from an outside service to the line. A non-English speaking caller may hear a short conversation in English and some clicking sounds as the interpreter is added to the line. Can I call on a wireless or bluetooth device? You can call 911 on any hands free bluetooth or speaker device. It is important to remember to stay calm and speak clearly. If there are other involved parties nearby, only one person should be talking to the dispatcher. When multiple voices are trying to give answers over one another, the dispatchers cannot understand or try to ask for additional information. Speak as clearly as you can, try to remain calm and listen to what the dispatchers are asking you. The information that you provide is instrumental in getting the appropriate response dispatched to your emergency in the quickest way possible.
- About | CCCDC 2023
Board of Directors About our Board of Directors The Board Consists of seven members representative of the three political subdivisions that combined their individual dispatch centers in 2002 to create the Campbell County Consolidated Dispatch Center. Those entities were the Campbell County Fiscal Court, the City of Ft. Thomas and the City of Newport. In accordance with the Interlocal Agreement that created the Dispatch Center, the Board is composed of a Police Chief and Fire Chief of each of those subdivisions (the County Judge appoints a Fire Representative of their choosing) and one additional law enforcement position that is rotated across those three agencies every two years. This structure has allowed for a considerable amount of stability over the years. That stability has proven to be extremely important to the function and maturation of the communication center. Not that long ago full time fire departments simply answered the telephone (a seven digit number) at the fire station and responded independently. This situation led to a lot of miscommunication and delayed and/or caused inappropriate responses to emergencies. Our 911 Call Center is staffed with telecommunicators trained to provide prearrival instructions and equipment that will help pinpoint the location of the caller from landline phones. In the near future with the advent of Next Generation 911, we will be able to more closely pinpoint the location of mobile callers, as well. The support of our elected officials has been phenomenal over the years allowing us to develop a sustainable funding mechanism that is being copied all over the Commonwealth. “Courage is knowing what not to fear” Plato About Us Serving Our Community The Campbell County Consolidated Dispatch Center answers and processes emergency 911 and non-emergency calls for assistance from the public, and dispatches or notifies the appropriate public safety first responders. When you call 911 in the United States, your call is answered by a local Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). In Campbell County, that PSAP is Campbell County Consolidated Dispatch Center (CCCDC). Whether you need police, fire or medical help, the CCCDC telecommunicators are the group of people to get that process started. They are the first first responders, and often provide life-saving instructions by telephone while help is on the way. In 2024, over 150,000 dispatches were made by our skilled telecommunications staff, ensuring the safety and well-being of all of the residents of Campbell County.