Effective July 15, 2024, new open records laws take effect. Pursuant to KRS 61.870 through 61.884, the public is notified that, as provided herein, the Public Records of the Campbell County Consolidated Dispatch Center, in Campbell County, Commonwealth of Kentucky, are open for inspection by any person on written application to Kimberly Dornheggen, Executive Director, Official Custodian of the public records of the Campbell County Consolidated Dispatch Center, 998 Monmouth St, Newport, KY 41071, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Only residents of the Commonwealth of Kentucky as defined in KRS 61.870(10) may request public records. Open Records Request forms of this agency will be furnished upon request by an employee of this office.
Applicants for the inspection of public records shall be advised of the availability of the records requested for inspection and shall be notified in writing not later than five (5) working days after receipt of an application for inspection of any reason the requested are not available for inspection.
Copies of written material in the public records of this agency shall be furnished to any person requesting them on payment of a fee of ten cents ($.10) per page; copies of non-written records (photographs, maps, material stored in computer files or libraries, etc.) shall be furnished on request, on payment of a charge equal to the actual cost of producing copies of such records by the most economic process not likely to damage or alter the record.